Okinawa: Cape Manza, Ocean Expo Park, Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, Nakijin Castle, Nago Pineapple Park, Whale Watching

19 Jan – 28 Jan 2018

(19 Jan, 20 – 22 Jan, 23 – 25 Jan)

26 Jan 2018

Counting down to my last two days in Okinawa, I felt disappointed and was hoping to take the flight to somewhere else instead of heading home. But of course, I had to make use of the time left.

As previously mentioned, I booked a bus tour with Okinawa Bus Ltd. – Tour route B (Cape Manza -> Centurion Hotel -> Ocean Expo Park & Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium -> Nakijin Castle -> Nago Pineapple Park)

The meeting point is at their office which was near the bus terminal. So finding my way was easy since I’ve been walking by often. Was there about 30mins earlier so that I can make payment and not be late. Other than the tour that cost 5,500yen, I purchased the entry ticket to the aquarium at the office as it’s at a discounted price of 1,650yen.

The bus was scheduled to leave at 8.45am, and before departing, I was provided with a sticker so that I could be identified.


First stop: Cape Manza (万座毛)

After about an hour drive, we reached our first destination at Cape Manza. By the time we arrived, there were already a few buses there, and it was crowded. We were given 25 mins to explore the place, and I was done in 10 mins.

If only the place were less crowded, I might have enjoyed it a bit more. The wind was also so intense I didn’t dare to take out my phone.

Although I’m a tourist myself, I hate how rude some of them can be. I was about to take a photo of the scenery, and this rude lady just decided to enter the scene. DSC00938.JPG


Second stop: Centurion Hotel Resort + Ocean Expo Park + Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium.

After leaving Cape Manza, we took another one hour plus journey to Centurion Hotel for lunch. A lunch buffet was provided, and there were dishes such as curry rice, Okinawa Soba and more.

Including lunchtime, we were given three hours so that we can explore the park and aquarium. I didn’t eat much, and so after a quick meal, I went on to explore the place.

I started by going to the furthest place in Ocean Expo Park –  Tropical & Subtropical Arboretum (Greenery Kingdom). If you have been to Gardens by the Bay Domes, you will be able to see the similarity. There were lots and lots of flower type.


It was nice to walk around since there wasn’t a lot of people. After this place, I walked back to the Okichan theatre for the Dolphin Show was is free of charge and I had a pretty good seat. The show was perfect even though I didn’t understand anything. The dolphins were really amazing and funny.


The show lasted about 15 mins and no interactive segment, but it was still good.

Managed to go up close the tank to take some photos.

After the show, I continued on with the aquarium. I loved going aquariums and just seeing the fishes, sharks and manta rays swim around. But heading to this aquarium gave me an uncomfortable feeling. Guess it’s really a huge tourist attraction as the crowd was insane and I wanted to be out asap. I couldn’t stand a minute in that crowd, and so I was out in about 25 mins. It was hard to take any photos and to be honest, I prefer S.E.A Aquarium more than this.


Once I was out of that crowded place, it felt like freedom (okay, trying to exaggerate here). But after the aquarium, I went on to see the manatees and sea turtles. DSC01036

Just keep swimming
Crazy windy at the place!

I was done early and decided to head back to the bus instead. I made the right decision because as I was reaching the bus, it started drizzling.

Third stop: Nakijin Castle

The Nakijin Castle requires a ticket to enter, but it’s covered by the tour. At this place, we had about 50 mins to explore.

Upon entering, was greeted by Sakura!



After exiting the castle, there’s a photo-taking point where you can take with the wall.

Once done, the meeting point was another car park, to get there, there was another building that we have to cut through, and there’s actually a two-level museum where you get to see the items used in the past.



Fourth stop: Nago Pineapple Park

Finally, at the last stop, after another hour of the bus journey. At this place, you can choose to walk their free garden or pay to take their pineapple cart. I wanted to take the cart, but somehow got whopped in the garden walk. The garden walk was quite impressive, from the ground floor to a second floor where you get to see hanging plants and fruits.





The pineapple cart.

As usual, finished it real quick and went on to explore the other places. They had a coral museum, a shopping area where you get to taste all sorts of pineapple alcohol and snacks, and a restaurant if you’re hungry and ice-cream stall.

Pineapple Ice-Cream – it was awesomeeeeeeee except for the cone.



Their pineapple indeed does taste good. Finally, after this, it was time to head back.

It was a long journey back, and we even had a toilet stop midway. I was so tired that I actually slept on the bus. Reached back around 8 pm as the bus dropped other guests first and my stop was the second last one.

Finally ended the day with a good BBQ dinner.

27 Jan 2018

My final day in this island. Finally, my whale watching was not postponed, and I was able to go and see some whales! Also previously mentioned, I pre-booked the activity with Marine House SeaSir. Same as my diving trip, I had to wake up early to go to the pickup point. Just that I was too early this time.

It’s a half-day trip from 8.45am till about 12 noon in total. Taking a similar boat as my diving trip, but this time I had to wear a life jacket instead of changing into my suit. Took an hour to travel out, and then they will slowly cruise around to spot the whales. It wasn’t easy to spot the whales at all. But I managed to although I did not manage to capture it on camera (which was a pity).


After the activity, it was time for lunch, and I swear McDonald’s was so tempting and I caved in. The meal was good, and it was finally shopping time. Went to buy souvenirs such as dried scallop, chilli sauce (special order from my sister), and snacks. Once I was done shopping, it was time to head back to pack my luggage and just like that, I spent my last few hours in the room and only went to have dinner.

28 Jan 2018

It’s d-day. Time to catch my flight which was at 8.50 am. Waking up at 4.30 am to prepare and was actually surprised to see my host awake at that hour. Left the house after ensuring I got my things and the room wasn’t that messed up. I took a cab and realise it cost less than 2,000yen to reach there. An important thing to note: tell the driver you’re going to the international building. I forgot, and he actually dropped me off at the domestic building, and I did not even realise it.

So I had to walk the same bridge back to the international building only to realise that the door was still shut and only opens at 7 am.




Although I wasn’t the first to enter the building, I was the first to actually checked in – perks of being alone. But to enter the departure area, I had to wait again, and just like that, I waited another 15 mins before the staff opened the doors.


Luggage scan, passport chopped and I was shocked at how small the area was. Less than ten shops, only two were opened when we arrived, and even the duty-free opened quite late. My brother-in-law wanted White Tiger, and apparently, it was sold in a shop that opened at 8.30 am but it was already time for me to board. Thankfully, the sales assistant was really helpful, and she assisted me with my purchase.

My window view!
Pretty clouds.
Meal onboard Jetstar.

Just like that, five hours went by, and I was back in Singapore.





Thank you for following me on this 9 days trip! I hoped that by sharing these, it would make you want to explore the area as well.

And who says you can’t explore Okinawa without a car!


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