Taipei (台北)

21 January – 30 January 2019 (Taiwan: 10D9N, Nantou (南投), Taichung (台中), Alishan (阿里山), Hualien (花莲县), Jiaoxi (礁溪)) 28 January 2019 Leaving from Jiaoxi, I took the train to Taipei for my last two nights. Took the train to Taipei, and it was the normal train. No more HSR. I stayed in Ximending and hence took the train …

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Jiaoxi (礁溪)

21 January – 30 January 2019 (Taiwan: 10D9N, Nantou (南投), Taichung (台中), Alishan (阿里山), Hualien (花莲县)) 27 January 2019 After the last night in Hualien, my next stop was Jiaoxi. A short 2 hour train ride away. The main reason I wanted to stop by Jiaoxi was to take a break from my hectic travelling and just soak …

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