
19 September – 6 October 2018

(Onwards to Berlin, Berlin)


22 September 2018

It was time to leave Berlin and head to our next destination. I still remember having to wake up extremely early to catch our train and to validate our Eurail pass – note: REMEMBER to validate on the first day of travel so that you do not have to buy additional days.

We arrived at the Berlin Central station at around 7am for breakfast. Was supposed to have McDonald’s but ended up having Fish n Chips. Ohwells. 

We finally boarded the train and it’s a 5 hours journey to Stuttgart. 

Our train was delayed and we were actually late for the train to Reutlingen. So, we had to take the next train which is exactly an hour later. Had some light bites at McDonald’s and caught our train at about 5pm.

Upon reaching Reutlingen, we had to take a cab to our apartment. It’s a bit out of the way, but love the apartment a lot! But there was just too many stairs. You can check out the place here. The host met us at the apartment and told us how to get around. She was so friendly! 

As we arrived pretty late, we had no time for grocery shopping, so we ended up taking a bus to the town area to have a look. To no surprise, it rained, shops closed early, and there were not much food left.

St. Mary Church.

Found a Chinese stall with authentic Chinese food made by Vietnamese, we were glad our stomach was filled. Ended up hunting for supermarkets or grocery stall, but to no avail cause all of them closed at 8 pm and we were a tad too late. In the end, we took a bus back to our area and there was a petrol kiosk that’s opened and HAS water, snacks etc. 

Just like that, we bought our stuff and head back to the apartment. We just chilled, watched some movies and had our rest.

23 September 2018

It’s castle day! For this place, we rented a car as it’s definitely more convenient. So, the couple went to collect the car, while myself and other friend slept in a bit and waited for them. 

First stop was the Lichtenstein Castle. Drove there and there was a restaurant nearby so we had our breakfast/lunch there. 

Love this photo as it was really gloomy and when the Sun shone down, it just felt so… amazing. 

After this, we continued on to the museums in Stuttgart. Started with Porche Museum –

Went to BMW Museum but did not really and enter or took images (I’m not a car person…). After the museums, we went on to hunt for a grocery store. Ok. We have a serious issue with the grocery shops in Reutlingen. 

So we googled and tried finding the nearest one, and it ended up being a warehouse. Then we found another, and it became a stable in the middle of nowhere. Imagine that shock. But what we found was a field of flowers and we ended up taking photos there by parking at the side of the small road. We even had thumbs up from strangers driving by because it was really gloomy and windy.

Can’t even take a proper photo with the wind blowing.

Okay, so we ended up having Burger King and went back to the same petrol kiosk to get drinks. We ended up back at our apartment quite early and it was dinner time. 


It started pouring outside and thankfully, we were all warmed up in the house. Watched movies and even gambled a little. It was THE life. Not having to do anything, just chilling and relaxing. It was our last night here and it was time to head to Munich the next day. 

24 September 2018

Being Singaporeans, shopping is definitely a must. Hence, before we drove to Munich, we went to OUTLETCITY METZINGEN for some shopping. Was kinda sad I couldn’t buy anything from NIKE as they did not have my size. But ended up buying an awesome Superdry Demin jacket at like less than $30 SGD. You’ll see it in the other post because I kept wearing it. Hehe.

Another gloomy day.

Had lunch and it was time to drive off to Munich! Which I’ll continue in the next post 😀


If you were wondering why Reutlingen instead of Stuttgart, it is actually because of our apartment. We wanted a nice one and there isn’t any at Stuttgart, so we found the closest and tadah! But we never regretted our choice as it was really beautiful. 

And, looks like I’m on the roll for updating my post! Please keep a lookout for my next few posts for Munich, Vienna, Budapest, Santorini and Athens. 

Typing these post makes me wanna go on another trip already!

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